Animals That Bring Casino Players Good Luck
Animals have always had a big role in our lives: farmers use them to protect cattle, and people use them to hunt wild game.
It's no surprise that casino gamblers believe certain animals bring them luck like they believe in different good luck charms.
Every one of these animals below has a specific origin story that makes these animals so beloved even among casino gamblers.
The Lucky Pig
“Gluecksbringer” is the German word for lucky charm.
In Germany, people can find many of them for sale throughout the country.
However, there is one thing that Germans consider to be good luck that is part of their cultural history from many years ago and that is the Schwein, a.k.a the swine.
If you put these two words together, you'll get a Glucksschwein – a good-luck pig that is popular in German mythology.
In one story, two dwarf brothers worked very hard using a furnace to make a special gift out of pig’s skin and golden wire for Freyr, the Norse god of peace, fertility, rain, and sun.
Someone gave Freyr a golden boar named Gullinbursti (which means golden bristles) to pull his chariot.
Freyer’s sister, the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, gold, sorcery, and death had a boar as a pet.
The boar is seen as a symbol of courage, strength and fertility because of all these mythological characters.
In many cultures, rabbits symbolize fertility and prosperity.
In some parts of Northern Europe, white rabbits were given to children so they'd be successful in life.
In some Western cultures (mainly Britain and North America), some people believe that you should say “rabbit, rabbit, rabbit” on the first day of the month right after waking up to get good luck.
Of course, we've all heard how you should carry a rabbit's foot with you for good luck.
Goldfish are not known for excellent memory but instead, they're considered to be symbols of abundance and fertility.
In ancient Greece, people thought that goldfish brought good luck in marriage and relationships.
It is also one of the sacred symbols of the Buddha and is thought of as a good luck charm in many places throughout the world (especially in Southern Europe).
The Slavs believe if you catch a goldfish, three of your wishes will become fulfilled.
Frogs are mainly considered to be lucky since they're associated with rain – and when it rains, crops grow.
They are one of many good luck charms in countries like China and Japan.
Frogs also symbolize fertility and safe travels.
Elephants are a symbol of good luck in many different cultures, first and foremost in Buddhism and India.
People place elephant statues and figurines all over their homes to attract good luck.
Depending on their position, elephants are believed to bring good fortune to a home, as well as protection, love, fertility, success in school, and a lot more.
In addition to Ancient Egyptians worshipping cats, felines are also believed to be a sign of good luck in many cultures.
There is even a famous white-coloured Japanese cat figurine maneki-neko that's often thought to bring good luck.
In Germany, if a black cat crosses your path from left to right, then it is considered to be lucky.
However, if it crosses your path from right to left, that is considered unlucky.
Bugs and Beetles
Scarab beetles are considered to be lucky.
In ancient Egypt, people wore small pieces of jewellery that were shaped like scarabs.
They were considered to be connected to the sun god Ra and his life-giving powers.
Ladybugs are also considered to be good luck in many different countries, mainly across Europe.
If a ladybug lands on a person in Russia or Serbia, then it is a sign of good luck (but the person needs to make a wish before the ladybug flies away).
For these reasons, you might find online casino games featuring many of these symbols – and sometimes, these symbols may, indeed, bring you some luck.

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